Parent Involvement

Watch your children grow during their time at Yarrambat

Committee of Management

The Preschool is managed by a parent based volunteer committee. Without parent support there would be no kinder. At the Annual General Meeting (held in November each year), we require the following positions to be elected to form the committee of management:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer (we also have a paid book-keeper)
  • Secretary
  • General committee members (at least 8 members are required)

Committee meeting are held once a month and usually last 1 hour. The committee is responsible for developing centre policies, session times and staff recruitment. Joining the committee is a great way to get involved and get to know other parents and staff. By joining the committee you will know what’s happening at the kinder and have a say in how the kinder is run.

The next AGM and information session, where new families can come to pick up their enrolment packs and join the COM, is on Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 at the preschool at 7pm.


At Yarrambat Plenty Preschool we aim to carry out at least one fundraiser per term. This is discussed and decided on by the committee at the monthly committee meetings. All funds raised are used to improve the kinder program – be it new equipment to aid in the development of our children or an appropriate incursion to relate to a current theme that the teachers are working on.

We would encourage all parents to get involved where they can and support our fundraisers. If you have any ideas or can assist in any way, please let us know.

As well as our fundraisers, throughout the year the children will participate in activities that may require extra parental help. These activities may include:

  • Picture Plates
  • Jumpers and T-shirts
  • Mother’s/ Father’s day gift purchases

Program Involvement

There are two staff on duty at the kindergarten at all times. However, we always need help with such things as assisting with activities. These times are also a great opportunity to see firsthand how your child is going at kinder and see for yourself the running of our program. It is also an ideal time to mention any concerns you may have about your child to the teacher. If needed, extra time can be put aside to pursue these concerns.

It is your decision whether to bring along any younger siblings/toddlers while on duty; you will know whether your younger child will require extra attention and inhibit your involvement.

Parent Help Roster

Parents and other family members are invited to come along to kinder. Children love to have their special person come and join them in the kinder fun.

Help rosters are located next to the sign in book in the foyer of the kindergarten, please write your name down on the date you are able to attend.

Occasionally there will be some washing to take home, each family may have one or two turns a year.


Each child has an individual pocket. The pockets are divided into each kinder group and are located in the foyer.

These pockets are used for fee invoices and receipts, notices, permission forms and any other correspondence.

No Nut Policy

Yarrambat has a strict no-nuts policy when it comes to food the children eat for lunch or snacks. What this means is that we should not bring food to kinder that contains any of the following:

  • Nuts
  • Peanut butter
  • Nutella
  • Any cakes or food topped with nuts
  • Any cakes, biscuits or other food containing nuts
  • Any food cooked in peanut oil

Because it can sometimes be difficult to work out the contents of processed food, you may prefer to choose from the following for snacks / lunch (if your child is required to bring snacks / lunch to kinder):

  • Fresh fruit
  • Dried fruit
  • Fruit loaf
  • Plain biscuits
  • Popcorn


Yarrambat Kinder is listed on the Bushfire At-Risk Register and we do not operate on Catastrophic Fire Danger days.

No Jab No Play Policy

For more information on the ‘No Jab No Play’ policy in Victoria, please visit the Victoria Health website.